Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Next Generation #25

Hey, I did it! It was very easy to burn the song onto a CD. I just clicked on copy, and the song was in my to burn list, then I clicked on start burn. Yes, I do still use CDs. I listen to them in my car. Even though, I have an mp3 player, I don't use it. It was given to me as a gift. Probably because I don't seem to have the time to copy songs onto it. Or more likely, I just haven't taken the time to do it.

The copyright issue is a tough one. If I were a musician/artist, I would definitely want credit for my work. I would also want to get paid for it. :) On the other hand with new technology, I think we are going to have to redefine copyright and the ways we think about information, music, movies, etc. I don't have an answer.

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