Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Spring Cleaning #29

As I mentioned in my last post, I already organize my e-mail. I've had people laugh at me, because I don't like clutter in my e-mail the same as I don't like clutter on my desk. I have folders for e-mails I want to keep. However, I don't have a pending folder. I usually keep pending items in my inbox, until I get them done, or feel it's safe to delete them. I do this with my personal e-mail account as well. I like having them where I can see them to remind me that action needs to be taken on them. I do delete them when the action is done. I also keep my bookmarks organized and have created folders for them. Even though I already do most of these things, I thought the Clean Out Your Computer article had some good tips for organizing files on computers.

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