Thursday, March 6, 2008


I thought the article on GTD was very interesting. I am a very organized person, almost to a fault, and I absolutely hate any kind of clutter. I already do many of the things that GTD talked about. Since I hate clutter, my e-mail is always organized. I have folders set up, and I delete anything immediately that I don't need, and I empty my trash about once a week. Yes, sometimes I delete things that I wish I'd kept, but that bothers me less than the clutter.

I always do items that don't take much time right then. I also follow the practice of filing, throwing out, or incubating (setting aside to deal with at a later point). It was interesting to me that I already do this without realizing it was a formal way to deal with mail or paperwork.

I use a weekly calendar on which I write down appointments and important things that need to be done. I keep it on my desk at work. I always use an inspirational calendar with pretty pictures and interesting sayings. It brightens up my work space, and lets me look forward to a new week with a new picture and saying.

I already use G-Mail, so I signed up for Google's online calendar. This will give me a monthly calendar (since I already have a weekly calendar) to see at a glance what is going on for the month. I will try to use it more, so I can get more comfortable using an online calendar.

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