Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Week 9 #20

I watched a few videos on YouTube. I have heard a lot about YouTube, and I think I've been sent some funny videos from my friends to my personal e-mail. However, I tried seaching for some funny or interesting videos, but I didn't really find anything I thought was that special. I did watch the old librarian film, and a couple of library videos that were kind of cute. Betty Glover Library Workout and Librarian, a music video were sort of funny, but nothing that made me laugh out loud.

It seems like there are a lot of frustrated actors out there. It's interesting that people make videos about anything. I searched for story times, and found some where people were reading children's books. One was actually a video about a dominatrix, so you do have to be careful.

I think libraries could include videos of some of their programs on their websties to show the kinds of things we do. A short video of a library storytime would let parents to know what to expect when they come.

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